
Mahmood's Internet Management Designing Center

A designer from NTUST, working on research of LINE security, mostly put myself in iOS security research and programming, all of my work are stored in this website.

About Me

Welcome to my personal website! On this site you will discover a lot new cool stuff, also learn more about me. Feel free to click on any links in this website especially the "Projects" section. Btw, thanks for visiting!

Who am I?

My name is Mahmood Ma, a student from National Taiwan University Science and Technology. Graduated from Brother Rice High School in Michigan. I love programming and graphic design stuff. Currently I major in Mechenical Engineering, but also enjoy proramming as my hobby. If you have any questions want to ask me, be sure to use the contact link to contact me and have a great day, ENJOY!

What's my accomplishment?

I attended in 2014 FIRST Robotic Competition World Championship, and was the division finalist!

LINE Security Researcher, now being an advanced moderator in APK.TW.

Currently reasearch in iOS Jailbreaking security, make tweaks, and made a repository for APK.TW (https://apktw.github.io/)

Contact Me

If you have any request or problems, there are various ways to contact me, all the information are down below.